Wednesday 24 August 2011

Malaysia's Uniform Building By Law Excerpts

Do You Know?

According to Third Schedule Of UBBL:

5. Openings for mechanical ventilation for air-conditioning system.
Where mechanical ventilation or air-conditioning is provided-
(a) foul air. shall not be discharged into an airwell and this requirement shall not be applicable to window room units in residential applications;
(b) the underside of openings for the entry of air into any mechanical ventilation or air-conditioning plant shall be not less than 1 metre from any external pavement, road way, ground level  or similar external surface;
(c) the underside of openings for the exhaust of air from any mechanical ventilation or air-conditioning plant shall be not less than 2.5 metres from any external pavement, road way, ground level or similar external surface;

6. Filtration.
Unless otherwise specified, where air-conditioning is mentioned herein, it shall be deemed to include air filtration down to a particle size of ten microns with an efficiency of not less than 70% arrestance.

**CF Says: do we practice that for all airconditioning units? Anyone can answer this?

10. Water-closets and toilets.
Water closets, toilets, lavatories, bathrooms, latrines, urinals or similar rooms or enclosures used for ablutions which are situated in the internal portions of the building and in respect of which no such external walls 120 (or those overlooking verandahs, pavements or walkways) are present, shall be provided with mechanical ventilation or air-conditioning having a minimum of fresh air change at the rate of 0.61 cmm per square metre of
floor area of ten air changes per hour, whichever is the lower.