Thursday 29 December 2011

Thursday 13 October 2011

UBBL Excerpts Item 253 Emergency Power Supply System

(3) Emergency systems shall have adequate capacity and rating. for the
emergency operation of all equipment connected to the system including
the simultaneous operation of all fire lifts and one other lift.

(4) All wiring for emergency systems shall be in metal conduit or of fire
resisting mineral insulated cables, laid along areas of least fire risk.

(5) Current supply shall be such that in the event of failure of the normal
supply to or within the building or group of buildings concerned, the
emergency lighting or emergency power, or both emergency lighting and
power will be available within 10 seconds of the interruption of the normal

Friday 16 September 2011

More Excerpts From Uniform Building Bylaw

194. Building with single staircase.

A single staircase may be permitted in any building the top most floor
of which does not exceed 12 metres in height:

172. Emergency exit signs.
(1) Storey exits
signs and shall. not be obscured by any decorations, furnishings or other
and access to such exits shall be marked by readily visible

(2) A sign reading "KELUAR" with an arrow indicating the direction
shall be placed in every location where the direction of travel to reach the
nearest exit is not immediately apparent.

(3) Every exit
letters not less than 150 millimetres high with the principal strokes of the
a black background.

(4) All exit
sign shall have the word "KELUAR" in plainly legiblenot less than 18 millimetres wide. The lettering shall be in red againstsigns shall be illuminated continuously during periods of

(5) Illuminated signs shall be provided with two electric lamps of not
less than fifteen watts each.

My comments: UBBL needs to updated. We are now using Green signages and LED lights. Does that mean we dont follow BYLAW....need to change this before somone from other parts of the world LAUGH at us!

197. Protected lobbies.
(1) Protected lobbies shall be provided to serve staircases in buildings
exceeding 18 metres above ground level where the staircase enclosures are
not ventilated through external walls.
(2) In buildings exceeding 45 metres above ground level, such protected
lobbies shall be pressurised to meet the requirements of Section 7 of the
Australian Standard 1668, Part I - 1974 or any other system meeting the
functional requirements of the D.G.F.S.
(3) Protected lobbies may be omitted if the staircase enclosures are
198. Ventilation of staircase enclosures.
(1) All staircase enclosures shall be ventilated at each floor or landing
level by either permanent openings or openable windows to the open air
having a free area of not less than 1 square metre per floor.
(2) Openable windows
shall meet the operational requirements of the
(3) In buildings not exceeding three storeys above ground level, staircase
enclosure may be unventilated provided that access to them at all levels
except the top floor is through ventilated lobbies.

199. Ventilation of staircase enclosures in buildings not exceeding 18
In buildings not exceeding 18 metres above ground level, staircase
enclosures may be unventilated provided that access to them at all levels
except the top floor is through ventilated lobbies and the staircase enclosures
are permanently ventilated at the top with at least 5% of the area of the

200. Ventilation of staircase enclosures in buildings exceeding 18 metres.
For staircases in buildings exceeding 18 metres above ground level that
are not ventilated in accordance with by-law 198, two alternative methods
of preventing the infiltration of smoke into the staircase enclosures may be
permitted by providing-
(a) permanent ventilation at the top of the staircase enclosure of
not less than 5% of the area of the enclosure and in addition at
suitable intervals in the height of the staircase a mechanically
ventilated shaft to achieve not less than 20 air changes per hour
to be automatically activated by a signal from the fire alarm
panel; or
(b) mechanical pressurisation of the staircase enclosure to the
standard of performance as specified in section 7 of the Australian
Standard 1668, Part 1 - 1974 or any other system meeting the
functional requirements of the D.G.F.S.

201. Staircase enclosure below ground level.
All staircase enclosures below ground level shall be provided with
suitable means of preventing the ingress of smoke.
pressurised to meet the requirements of by-law 200.

Wednesday 24 August 2011

Malaysia's Uniform Building By Law Excerpts

Do You Know?

According to Third Schedule Of UBBL:

5. Openings for mechanical ventilation for air-conditioning system.
Where mechanical ventilation or air-conditioning is provided-
(a) foul air. shall not be discharged into an airwell and this requirement shall not be applicable to window room units in residential applications;
(b) the underside of openings for the entry of air into any mechanical ventilation or air-conditioning plant shall be not less than 1 metre from any external pavement, road way, ground level  or similar external surface;
(c) the underside of openings for the exhaust of air from any mechanical ventilation or air-conditioning plant shall be not less than 2.5 metres from any external pavement, road way, ground level or similar external surface;

6. Filtration.
Unless otherwise specified, where air-conditioning is mentioned herein, it shall be deemed to include air filtration down to a particle size of ten microns with an efficiency of not less than 70% arrestance.

**CF Says: do we practice that for all airconditioning units? Anyone can answer this?

10. Water-closets and toilets.
Water closets, toilets, lavatories, bathrooms, latrines, urinals or similar rooms or enclosures used for ablutions which are situated in the internal portions of the building and in respect of which no such external walls 120 (or those overlooking verandahs, pavements or walkways) are present, shall be provided with mechanical ventilation or air-conditioning having a minimum of fresh air change at the rate of 0.61 cmm per square metre of
floor area of ten air changes per hour, whichever is the lower.